Friday, 24 March 2017

Awashuwa Cola Packet Erasers

Back again~! Today, Sora will be introducing Awashuwa Cola Erasers~! Before we move on about the erasers, Awa means bubbles, or in this case, foam, while shuwa is an onomatopoeia for the foam.

The erasers are in the form on the foam characters as shown in the packaging. They are red erasers with the shape of clouds and the character printed on in white. Each packet contains 6 erasers. I'm sorry I didn't want to destroy the packaging so I can't take out the erasers and show you how they look like. ( Get your own :P) The packaging claims that they are Cola scented.

There is a side by side comparison of the one I bought in Malaysia( a shop called Tokyo Station) and The one I bought in Daiso. Daiso's Packet seems a tiny bit smaller and the packaging design is different.

Name: Awashuwa Erasers (Cola)
Price: $2.00(Daiso)/4.50 Ringgit (Tokyo Station)
Place I bought it: IMM, Daiso/ Malaysia, Kuching, Tokyo Station

Though I didn't buy it from there, Big Box also has a shop where all the things are $2.00, found near the industrial freezer and botanic shop. It has products similar, if not, identical to these.

Awashuwa Cola from Tokyo Station

Awashuwa Cola from Daiso

Left: Tokyo Station
Right: Daiso

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